Practice Information

Great Barford Surgery is a semi-rural dispensing practice located in the village of Great Barford; we are a two Partner Practice with support from salaried GP’s and Locum’s that are familiar with local procedure and policies. We have a team of nursing and qualified dispensary staff that work with the Doctors on a daily basis to offer a comprehensive service to our patients.

Please view our contact us page, here.

This page contains information and links to resources on how you could reduce the risk of contracting Coronavirus, and also information on ways to help you reduce the severity of symptoms should you contract Coronavirus.

Whilst we cannot guarantee that your symptoms will be less severe, there is growing evidence that a healthy BMI and respiratory system, along with overall wellbeing, are contributory factors in reducing your risk*.

Top 4 Things

Wash your hands

Social distancing

Wear a mask

Get tested if you have symptoms

Better Health Campaign

The Better Health Campaign is recently launched government programme that can help with weight loss and increased activity

You can also self-refer to the Lifestyle hub for support with weight loss and exercise here

The NHS BMI calculator can be used to help you monitor your progress

The Couch to 5K programme can be accessed here

If you have already completed the Couch to 5K programme, you can find tips on how to continue and stay motivated here

The charity Caraline offers support to people living with eating disorders. You can self-refer to the service here

Stop Smoking

The stop smoking service offers specialist help and support, along with the option for Stop Smoking medication

Mental Health

Every Mind Matters has expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, and addresses the challenges we all face with Coronavirus

You can self-refer to the Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service here

Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous online chat service which is available to young people aged 11 to 25

Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year on 116123


There is lots of help around sleep on Every Mind matters

Sleepstation is a clinically validated sleep improvement programme that can help you sleep better after just 4 sessions. Some options are available on the NHS

Flu Vaccinations

If you are eligible, you should have the flu vaccination. Whilst this does not protect you from Coronavirus, it will give you some immunity from flu, which like Coronavirus, is predominantly a respiratory illness


Your plasma might save lives! The NHS Blood and Transplant are asking 18-65 year old males who have had COVID-19 to donate their plasma (antibodies) as part of research into new treatments. For more details, visit : Thank you.

COVID – Advice when isolating at home

To apply for a CoronaVirus Test, please visit

Patients who have planned operations are asked to self-isolate for two weeks prior to the surgery. Please do not ask your GP or the hospital to provide a sick note – if you require a sick note to cover absence from work, you can obtain this by following this link:

To participate in the clinical trial by donating blood plasma, you can sign up for this through the NHS Blood and Transplant site at If you have had a positive test result for Covid-19, or have had symptoms, you may be able to help.

Coronavirus vaccine research

Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases.They’re designed so they do not give people the infection they’re protecting against.Research into vaccines is the only way to find out which vaccines will work. Researchers need people to take part in their studies so they can find out which possible new vaccine works best. Visit to find out more about taking part in approved UK coronavirus vaccine studies.

Free Online Courses to Support Your Wellbeing

Parent Information leaflet – where and how to seek help when your child is unwell.

Red Cross Support Services – for Bedford Borough Residents.

This link will take you to the self-isolation and symptom treatment approach

For patients needing help while self-isolating please contact Bedford Borough Council.

The following link contains information on local support, but also a wide range of links to activities and resources –

To access resources on mental health and wellbeing during this period of crisis, please go to

Luton & Bedfordshire Mental Health Crisis Support – To access mental health support in the event of a crisis, contact 111 option 2.

Useful videos by the Association of Palliative Medicine on Care Planning; hoping for the best and preparing for the worst:

If you have a musculoskeletal issue, please visit our musculoskeletal information page for further information.

Never Alone – Helplines

Q&A from Cancer Charities – update 18th May 2020

Advice for Parents

The following links have a variety of resources for parents:

Advice for parents leaflet.

RCPH: What to do if your child is unwell during lockdown

A guide for parents on which service to contact during Covid-19.

Advance Care Plans

If you wish to complete your Advance Care Plan for Covid-19, guidance notes and a template are available here.

Please note that this is not a Do Not Resuscitate order, and you will need to speak with your GP should you want further information on this

Update 13th July 2021

Updated 12th July 2021

GP surgeries are no longer booking Covid vaccinations, and the Kings House and Temples sites have closed.

Vaccinations are now available through 3 different options:

Contact 119

Use the national booking portal at

Drop in at Bedford Heights, between 08:30 and 15:00 Tuesday to Saturday (Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7BJ)

Update 26th May 2021

GP surgeries in Bedford continue to focus on booking appointments for second doses for patients that we vaccinated the first time around. So if you were vaccinated at Kings House or at the Temple for your first vaccination, then we can book you for your second vaccination. Please only call your practice if we can help you to book your second appointment, from 8 weeks onwards.

If you had your first vaccination at any other location, please call 119 to make your second appointment, as we cannot make your appointment via the practice.

If you are trying to make your first appointment there are now 5 different options:

1) contact 119

2) use the national booking portal

3) book an appointmentat ** which will book an appointment at Kings House or at the Temple, where there are new 1st appointments available

4) or you can phone 01234 718077 – which is for appointments at Kings House or at the Temple, where there are new 1st appointments available

5) if you are aged 40 or over you can drop into Bedford Heights, without an appointment between 8:30 and 3pm each day

Update 30th April 2021

GP surgeries in Bedford are no longer routinely booking first dose vaccination appointments, as the service has moved on to delivering second doses for those patients that we vaccinated the first time around.

If you are newly eligible in the age groups 40-49, you will only be able to book your vaccination through the national booking portal or by calling 119.

If you are not able to have the AstraZeneca vaccination, the BLMK Clinical Commissioning Group are currently working to source alternative vaccinations, and as yet the plan for this has not been finalised. Once we know what the arrangements are, we will be able to let you know. This will be relevant to patients that should be vaccinated now but are aged under 30, pregnant, or have other clinical indications that a contra-indicated for the AZ vaccination.

Update 24th March 2021

As of 24th March, GP surgeries in Bedford will no longer be routinely booking in first dose coronavirus vaccine appointments, as the service is now moving to deliver second doses. If you believe you are eligible for a first dose due to age (over 50 years) or identified as at risk, please contact your GP practice as soon as possible to book an appointment.

If you have previously declined the vaccination, you can still take the vaccination offer up. Please phone us if you have changed you mind, and we will book your appointment.


Kings House Conference Centre on Ampthill Road, MK42 9AZ

Guru Nanak Gurdwara Temple on Ford End Road, Queens Park, MK40 4JX

Making Your Decision

To help you make your decision to have the Covid-19 vaccination, this video clip that was shown on TV on 18th February may be useful:

Celebrities join together to encourage the BAME communities to take up the COVID vaccine


These are the defined groups by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, and are referred to as groups or cohorts.

Some do’s and don’ts

Please arrive at the time of your appointment – not too early or late, as this is a complicated process and timing is going to be a challenge.

Please wear a short sleeved top under your coat, so that the vaccination team have easy access to your arm.

You will need to wear a face mask or covering.

Please attend on your own, unless you need someone with you for support, to minimise the number of people present.

Be prepared for this to take a little time – as you will have a 15 minute monitoring period after your vaccination, so you will not be leaving straight away.

If you have any Covid-19 symptoms, please do not attend.

You must have a 4 week gap between a covid positive test or covid symptoms and having your vaccination.

As the coronavirus pandemic affects all areas of our lives and lockdown, furlough and job uncertainty make everyone think differently, we have pulled together a list of resources that may help.


Call us if you need support from the foodbank – we can provide you with a voucher code which can be used for 3 days emergency food supply and personal items. (If you are self-isolating, someone can attend the foodbank to collect on your behalf – you will need to contact the foodbank to advise them).

There are various locations around Bedford, follow the link below to view specific locations and opening times.

Let us know which foodbank you will use so we can issue you with the appropriate code.

Below are some useful links on how to eat well on a budget: – Healthy eating on a budget – Healthy eating on a budget

Below is a link with information on how to reduce food waste:

Financial health

Our social prescriber can work with you to support you with your finances and create a financial recovery plan.

If you would like to be referred to the social prescriber, send us a message through the website outlining the reason for the referral. A member of the team may contact you if we require additional information; otherwise we will refer you directly. is a charity that can give practical advice on how to manage any debts you may have. offers a benefits calculator that can check if you are entitled to any benefits.

The ‘Browse: How benefits work’ page on the website lists all available benefits, with links to allow you to apply.

The ‘Benefits’ page on the Citizens Advice website includes information on benefits you may be entitled to during coronavirus. is charity that has some useful information on benefits.

Mental Health

If you need to speak to someone the Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call them for free on 116 123.

Below are some useful links:

Young people

Below are links to some services that offer support specifically for young people: (free, safe & anonymous online chat service available to young people aged 11-25) (free and confidential counselling for young people aged 13-25)

Covid Booster

This is your third Covid-19 vaccination, and you are eligible 91 days (or roughly 3 months) after your second vaccination.

You will be contacted by NHS England to let you know when you should book in.

There are two ways to book an appointment:

Via the national booking portal

Phone 119

Your GP practice cannot book you in, and we cannot bring your vaccination date forward.

3rd Primary

The 3rd primary vaccination is the same type of vaccination, but is given to patients that are immunocompromised and whose immune-response to the first two doses of the vaccination is likely to have been lower than the rest of the population. The intention is that this group have a 3rd primary vaccination at least 8 weeks after their 2nd vaccination, and will then still have their booster dose 6 months after their 3rd primary.

Patients will be receiving a letter from their consultant confirming that they are eligible for the 3rd primary vaccination, and where timing is crucial to their immune response to the vaccination, will specify the timing as to when the 3rd dose should be administered – as this ‘sweet spot’ in immune response will vary from person to person, and their individual treatment and circumstances.

We have also been advised that if you have received a text confirming you are eligible for the 3rd primary, you can take this text with evidence of identity, to one of the mass vaccination centres – please see for details.

You may review our CQC report information, here.

Find digital tools on the NHS Digital Apps website to help you manage and improve your health, sourced by the NHS. These can be downloaded on any Apple or Android device and there are plenty of apps to help you with long term conditions and other health related issues. These include the following list:


Stress and Anxiety Companion

Catch It

Calm Harm

Active 10 Walking Tracker



Sugar Smart

Be Food Smart

Easy Meals

Couch to 5k

BMI Calculator

Smart Recipes

A ramp to the front door facilitates wheelchair access. There are basic toilet facilities available to all patients.

If you are able, please come into the surgery. The Doctors can see more patients and provide a more comprehensive service from the surgery.

If you cannot attend the surgery, requests for home visits should be made before 10.00am. It is helpful if you give a brief description of your illness to the receptionist to relay to the Doctor.

Please make sure you let us know if the patient is somewhere other than the home address registered with the surgery.

We are currently open.















Practice Telephone Access is 08:00 – 18:30, Monday – Friday

Extended Access Hours

Wednesday: 07:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 19:00

Thursday: 07:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 19:00


Current opening times for the Dispensary are:

09:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 17:00



The impact of COVID-19 saw a drastic reduction in routine care being delivered across the whole of the NHS.  Nationally, this added to existing backlogs of care episodes already outstanding.  The Integrated Care Board for BLMK (formerly the Clinical Commissioning Group) and Bedford, Luton & Dunstable Hospitals have put together information to provide support to patients living in the BLMK area whilst waiting for treatment, as set provided below.

We would encourage anyone waiting for planned care to look at the websites below first, where you will hopefully find all the information you need.  If you cannot find what you are looking for or require further information, please contact your GP practice or the hospital.

My Hospital Journey

A web page has been developed, which is available on the Bedfordshire Hospitals Trust website to provide you with information on why there are long waits in the system in certain departments, what is being done to reduce the waiting lists, how we are working to keep you safe when attending hospital for appointments, how and when you will be communicated with, how you can manage your condition while you wait, and how you can prepare for surgery to ensure you are fit enough for it to proceed when your appointment is issued to avoid any further delays.

The link below will take you to the ‘My Hospital Journey’ web page for Bedford and Luton & Dunstable Hospitals.

My hospital journey – Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

There is also information on these pages where you can follow a link to view average waiting time information for each department and find further help whilst you are waiting, including links to information about the NHS App and the platforms developed by NHS England/NHS Improvement: My Planned Care and Decision Support tools. More information on these platforms are detailed below:


Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone and iPad/tablet, including ordering/managing prescriptions/repeat prescriptions, viewing health information, managing appointments and referrals, and much, much more.

You can also access the NHS App services from the browser on your desktop or laptop computer. To find out more about what the NHS App can offer simply go to:

My Planned Care

This online platform contains average waiting time information for 1st Outpatient Appointment and further treatment for each speciality under the Hospital Trust.

The platform includes helpful advice and information such as how to manage pain, finding mental health support, keeping healthy, and information for accessing financial help and other local support whilst you wait.  It can also help you to prepare for your appointment or operation, including how to form a plan for your care and treatment alongside your healthcare professional.

Updated weekly, the site is easy-to-use and has ‘open-access’ so carers, friends, relatives and NHS teams can also easily access this information.

Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – My Planned Care NHS

Decision Support Tools

NHS England has added new information to their website to support shared decision making between you, as a patient, and your clinician. We hope you will find they are useful before, during or between consultations, depending on your care pathway.  They can help you to understand your condition, the treatment options available to you and support you to make a decision on the best treatment option for you depending on your personal circumstances and desired outcome.

NHS England » Decision support tools: making a decision about a health condition
